“Hustler Of Culture” is produced entirely by the Virginia-based duo, JMProductions (@NonDescript757 & @JMPro757) and contains 12 tracks, including the first single, “That’s How It Is”.
About the album
Each song on the album showcases the production team’s head-nod inspiring beats, which complements Mallz’ witty, thought provoking rhymes perfectly.
The album covers many topics and right from the first track, you can tell this won’t be your typical boom-bap album. With songs like introspective, “View From Above”, the story-telling, “Perspective” and the lyrical exercise, “Emphatic”, Mallz shows his versatility throughout the entire project.
“Hustler Of Culture” was released on the indie label, Rawsole Records and is available on Bandcamp, iTunes, Google Play, Spotify and Amazon.
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