Home Hip Hop E-Reign Wants You To Get “Serious” | Music

E-Reign Wants You To Get “Serious” | Music


It’s time to get “Serious” about not taking everything so seriously. That’s the theme of “Serious,” the latest offering from E-Reign.

E-Reign is a New York-based a hip-hop artist whom critics are hailing as, “A star in the making.”

The single is an introspective, mid-tempo composition with meaning, message, and mantra.

It is also a prime example of what sets E-Reign miles apart from the typical hip-hop artist.

Most hip-hop artists compete among each other; however, E-Reign competes against himself.

“I’m only as good as my last release,” he explains. While “Serious” is a song about not taking everything too seriously, E-Reign is nose-to-the-grindstone about his artistry. He offers, “You always win”

Check out Serious below

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