Home Hip Hop Music : T.R.3 ft Ariano – “4 AM”

Music : T.R.3 ft Ariano – “4 AM”


4 am 2

Who is T.R.3? Born in Atlanta and Chicago-influenced, he is the founder of IMG and a multi-talented producer and rapper, as well as engineer and videographer. But more importantly he is a true artist. He’s not just trying be different, he’s just being himself.

In 2016, he released a powerful solo project, “I’m Awesome, I’m A God, I’m A God Fearing Man.” In 2017, he teams up with SoCal hip hop veteran artist and producer, Ariano, to bring you their first single together, “4 AM.” A moody track that takes T.R.3 on journey in the hour between the dead of night and dawning of a new day, through cities that never sleep, asking the questions like “why’s love gotta be so hard on this generation?”, because the message is clear – understanding self is the only true understanding.

T.R.3 is here and has plenty more to say in 2017. Support and stream “4 AM” featuring Ariano.

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