Home Soul Funsho – “Prezzy” (Music)

Funsho – “Prezzy” (Music)


Funsho is an R&B artist based in the Washington, DC area and has just released his new single titled “Prezzy”!

“This song, “Prezzy” represents the current state of frustration that many people feel with politics and society in general. I wanted to speak on a lot of issues that bother me about the way that our society is constructed.

I wanted to talk about our obsession with war and our tendency to bend, and often times even break the rules of what’s ethical in the name of profit. I was inspired to write this song after noticing all of the things that are happening in the world right now.

I want the song to represent the idea that we can take things into our own hands as a society instead of relying on politicians and the powers that be to dictate our futures.

The idea that I’m “running for president,” considering that I have no political experience nor do I consider myself to be an expert on politics is an attempt to claim power over my own destiny and what I want my world to be like.

I hope that the song empowers those who listen to take power over theirs as well.”

Check out Prezzy by Funsho

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