Home Hip Hop Music : Abhi The Nomad – “Warheads” (Ft. Foster)

Music : Abhi The Nomad – “Warheads” (Ft. Foster)


On the self produced Warheads, California artist Abhi The Nomad calls upon fellow native and label mate Foster to assist him as they point a middle finger to the corrupt forces that run our planet.

In a world where nations are burning non-renewable energy sources and the common man is addicted to trash television, Warheads allows the common man to escape their daily struggle.

Sit back and enjoy the headnodding tune as they groove to slick rhymes over bold brass samples from W.A.R.’s ‘*Slipping Into Darkness*’.

Where Are My Friends? drops August 30th as a five track EP and will be available for purchase on BandCamp and Soundcloud.

Check out the song by Abhi The Nomad and follow Abhi on Instagram.

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