Home Hip Hop The L11 EP Features Soul/Jazz/Hip Hop Artist In Chicago

The L11 EP Features Soul/Jazz/Hip Hop Artist In Chicago


The L11 EP from Chicago artists L11 has been released featuring 8 soulful tracks on different elements that the artist believes in.

The L11 EP

Each track offers an old school hip hop vibe, with a soulful spin on the way we as artists view concepts such as love, following your dreams, standing up for who you are, appreciating family, and not being afraid to be different.

This album is an embrace on being different with who you are and what you have to say. Each tracks production was provided from a region of places. ‘Miss Yu, Drop Off, and The Irony’ were tracks
collaborated on with a producer in the UK that goes by the name Bully Funk. ‘AK’s and Lingerie, and Dreams’ were tracks produced by Jevonechy, a Minnesota producer which is the hometown of L11, alongside ‘Hakuna Matata, and Ole To Otha’, which originated from Chicago producer Left Nut.

Artists that have contributed to this project include Hip Hop artist Ace da Vinci, Vee Miyagi, and Windy Indie. Each artist offered their own personality to their message on each track.

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