Home Hip Hop Prada Gino introduces “Beautiful” Single Featuring Chris Brown

Prada Gino introduces “Beautiful” Single Featuring Chris Brown


Los Angeles based Rap artist Prada Gino has released his latest single featuring Chris Brown entitled “Beautiful,” a song about women excepting themselves the way they are and not letting society’s definition of what being “Beautiful” is define them.

About Prada Gino

Originally hailing from Chicago, Prada Gino incorporated all that he has learned in the last 9 years of writing music and has established a great following in California by doing shows in Hollywood, San Diego, Anaheim, and Downtown L.A. opening up for top West Coast acts such as Kurupt and Crooked I just to name a couple.

He has also been ghost writing for many years under Warner Chapel and was constantly told that he should give it a shot.

Recently he has linked up with 3 other artist to form the group “CorkBoyz” which branded the fact that they were all “Poppin.”

Group members Fiasco, Jus’ Breeze, Tonio Blu along with Prada Gino plan on dropping their album by the end of summer (2015) entitled “Bottle Service.”

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